XV39 55 мм ND8 до ND128 Нейтральный фильтр с переменной плотностью, оптическое стекло Тонкий фейдер Нейтральный фильтр, NO Spot X Черный X 18-слойное нанопокрытие ND8 ND16 ND32 ND64 до ND128
Модель: KF01.1448
The item appears to be very well made and is nicely packaged. Having only recently acquired the filter, I haven't yet fully put it through its paces in all conditions. However, so far so very good. I haven't noticed any detrimental effects on image quality - no colour cast or X marks that afflict some other similar filters. It's just what I wanted and at a good price.
Great quality glass. The price was reasonable. The variable filter provides extra flexibility and saves space while travelling. This is key for me as I travel a lot and like to travel as light as I can. I did not experience any chromatic aberration, loss of definition or the dreaded X.
Overall great product.
Overall great product.
The ND8 to ND128 filter covers a very useful range. There is no visible banding and very little colour change. More test are required to determine the performance in greater detail and different conditions, but I am impressed with the initial results, which show good consistency and accuracy of markings on the filter ring.
I wanted to try some daytime long exposure photography and didn’t want to spend a fortune. Really happy with the build quality and - more importantly- the quality of the images.