Sturdy, easily organized, removable waist strap.
I've had this bag for a few weeks and I've already taken it on a few hikes and bando explorations - it has met or exceeded all expectations. YOU CAN REMOVE THE WAIST STRAP - this was a big win for me. The bag itself is sturdy, made of a tough material and it holds its structural shape quite well. The interior is customizable, so you can efficiently pack your gear up and still have room for some extras. The straps/ back are well padded and breathable. I like how you attach the tripod to the back instead of the side. The easy access opening is clutch, but I like how the buckle straps keep it kinda theft - proof. I can confirm that a 15.6" laptop fits snugly in the padded compartment. I'm really happy with this bag so far, hoping it holds up over time.