K & F Concept SA254M1 62-дюймовый зеркальный штатив для камеры DSLR Легкий и компактный съемный алюминиевый штатив-монопод с 360-панельной шаровой головкой Быстросъемная пластина для путешествий и работы

Модель: KF09.084

  • 9532
Общая оценка 4.8   36
Amazing Tripod to work with.
The features listed on description are accurate and works well. With it's light weight made it easy to put it on my backpack without adding a lot of weight (see photos)The quick flip leg lock allows you to truly adjust the working height in no time.The lightweight monopod made selfie photography more fun.I tried every thing the tripod had to offer in less than one week and was very happy with it.I'm not a professional photographer, but tripod makes me look and feel like one. Thank you K&F Concept, looking for more products from you.