K & F Concept SA254M1 62-дюймовый зеркальный штатив для камеры DSLR Легкий и компактный съемный алюминиевый штатив-монопод с 360-панельной шаровой головкой Быстросъемная пластина для путешествий и работы

Модель: KF09.084

  • 9532
Общая оценка 4.8   36
Best tripod to learn photo shooting!
All the features listed on the description of the tripod are accurate and work well. Thanks to its lightweight made it easy to put it on my carry bag without taking too much space and not putting too much weight.The locking mechanism is great because it is a knob instead of a level.The quick-flip leg lock makes it very practical to adjust the working heightThe lightweight monopod made my selfies fun.I almost tried every single feuter this tripod offers in a week and found this tripod is one of the best considering its very low price range.I'm doing this as a hobby, but this amazing tripod had significantly changed the quality of my work. Thank you K&F Concept.