Мода DSLR Камера Рюкзак для Путешествий На Открытом Воздухе фотографии подходят Canon Nikon

Модель: KF13.066

  • 8916
Общая оценка 4.7   88
A stylish enough bag, but...
I was initially very impressed with this bag, it ticked every box that I required, was easy to reconfigure and looked good to boot. However, over time a few things started to niggle away at my thoughts. The biggest being the lightweight construction. Why is that a problem, surely that is a boon? At first yes, but I came to realise that the dividers for the storage compartment and, more importantly, the upper level, combined with the flexible material the bag is made of, would sag during use and make it difficult to remove and harder still to place the camera in it's section - two litre bottles of water in the top and one or two lenses below was enough to push down upon the camera, hindering the removal/placing process. Yet the biggest flaw were the adjustable buckles that tightened or loosened the way the bag sits on your back. The cheap brass (I think) that they are made from failed first on the left-hand side back in February (a little less than a year after I bought it) and the right failed this afternoon (a little over a year since the purchase.) I am managing to get by after tying the straps in place, but this is not how the product should be used/have lasted...not by a long shot. Being a fair weather walker/photographer I never took the bag out in the rain and was caught in only one or two showers (the cover provided did a decent job of keeping the contents dry, so that's a plus), so it's not like it was missused.I still like the look of the bag and want to carry on using it, but the durabilty is just not there. Perhaps this issues have been addressed with newer versions, but who knows.