TM2324 Легкий штатив для путешествий для зеркальной фотокамеры Canon Nikon 62 дюйма, алюминий

Модель: KF09.007

  • 8223
Общая оценка 4.8   523
GREAT TRIPOD: Good combination of lightweight and durable
In a studio setting, you'll want a heavy duty Manfrotto etc, but - when you're moving around (especially country to country) - you'll find the Manfrottos etc are too heavy.It becomes a drag.I was looking for a good quality, easy to use, lighter, feature-rich alternative - and this K&F product is it.Easy to set-up and use, plenty of flexibility for shots/video - as well as a sturdy feel for heavier cameras etc.Definitely recommend it.Comes with a GOOD 'sling it over your shoulder' case - which is always useful!