Attractive and Functional! great buy!
I am very impressed with this bag. It is extremely comfortable to carry. I can fit all of my gear and access it fairly easy. My only complaint is that the bag does not have a side access to my camera, but rather i just need to set the bag down and i can have quick access to my camera through a zipper without opening the whole bag.My Canon 80D will fit with a kit 18-135mm zone in the skip in slot - and below it my Sigma 150-500mm zoom fits perfect in the center lens slot.My 75-300 Cannon Zoom fits perpendicular perfectly. That's the max length lens you can stand on end but really - how much glass gets that much longer than that - well other than that Ginormous 150-500 zoom =p.The camera fits in the top just a little snug.The only thing that seemed a little questionable is the zippers aren't quite as smooth as some I've used though I believe they'll hold up just fine.Quality of the build on this is truly nice.