Roomy, Pockets for Days, Sturdy!
Initially when we got this, we thought it was black, however it is a navy blue color. Oddly enough, it looks a loads nicer in blue.We ordered this because my wife needed a backpack for her camera equipment as well as everything else she carries around daily. She mostly uses her gopro, but has lots and lots of accessories. This bag absolutely fit the bill.Its extremely well-made, from what we can tell so far. We've had it for a couple of weeks now, and it survived our local Pokémon Go-Fest with ease, both withstanding multiple children and carrying everything we need it to.It has pockets literally everywhere. It's wonderful. Dividers are perfect for keeping things where they need to be, without jostling around, and the padding inside is quite soft. The top cinches closed, to keep everything secure inside.To be honest, my wife hasn't put it down. She now uses it as her purse when not carrying her camera equipment. I absolutely recommend it, and would definitely buy it again.