Мягкий неопреновый чехол для объектива (SML XL)

Модель: SKU1125

  • 816
Общая оценка 4.7   40
Fits chosen lens
Be aware these are very good small lens pouches and a decent medium size lens for DSLR may need the largest so there is less capacity for others, modern lens is a bulky matter, but for my purpose the selection was ideal, so very good and well padded clipped and draw string safety for carrying that extra, or perhaps one smaller configuration on the end of a main choice, stack a small and a large telephoto lens in the large pouch. I begin to sound like a kangaroo lecture, but I think these will be equally tough in your outback wanders looking for the ideal sunlight scene and structures and if you want to keep telephoto safe but with you when walking these are quality product. The only need. They will suffice for Clevedon sea front and Weston pier wreckage storms as you can drop the lens in very quickly before the sea wall collapses or the spray penetrates the mechanism. Good for photographing Cormorant on beach piling in East Scotland hurricanes as you can drown but the lens is kept dry.