Good quality manufacturing let down by poor tripod mount design.
The manufacturing quality of this mount is very, very good. I bought it for its built-in removable tripod mount, but I don't own any G lenses (yet) so can't comment on the aperture control. Having used it once in the field, I can say that the design of the tripod mount is flawed, because it allows minor movement between the adapter and its tripod foot. It's enough to be quite annoying and it introduces vibration when shooting. As a result of this movement, the screw can also loosen....not the extent it will fall of the tripod, but definitely to the extent that you need to continually keep tightening it up.I didn't send it back, because I'm really pleased with the quality of the adapter and my workaround solution is to fit a metal pin between the tripod foot and the adapter. The end in the tripod foot will be securely glued in, the other end will be removable.