Накладной штатив для цифровой зеркальной фотокамеры, компактный алюминиевый портативный штатив для путешествий, 78 дюймов/2 м, монопод для видеоблога, нагрузка 22,05 фунта/10 кг, K234A7+BH-28L (старая модель S210)

Модель: KF09.087

  • 9548
Общая оценка 4.8   128
A clever Idea, but fail in the execution.
First of all the positives. It is very cleverly designed, and infinitely adaptable. It is lovely and light, and very good looking, the monopole is well hidden, but a bit fiddly to extract from the tripod, but It is great to use.But now the negatives:The Tripod is very difficult to use, and you end up with legs everywhere, it is extremely flimsy, I was out yesterday, Photographing some Wild Fowl, it was a beautiful hot day with NO breeze at all and I was stood in a blind, but it was vibrating quite gently as you can see from the first attached out of Focus picture. The catches that hold the legs out at an angle kept slipping, so I ended up using the monopole witch worked better see the second attached photo, with a much sharper focus. Finally, the absolute nightmare was the ball joint the Camera sits, again a fabulous Idea, but poorly executed. The clamping mechanism was either fully locked or completely free. There was no I'm between to allow you to line up the shot.If the manufacturers Iron out these niggles I think it could be a great bit of kit.
A clever Idea, but fail in the execution. A clever Idea, but fail in the execution.