K&F Concept HD Putter 58 мм ND2-ND400 (9 ступеней) переменный нейтральный фильтр, регулируемый водостойкий / устойчивый к царапинам для объектива камеры (Nano-X II)

Модель: KF01.1461

  • 3480
Общая оценка 4.8   4
I was afraid it would have problems being a variable ND with weird effects, and zero problems. Neither in the corners, nor the ND400, the truth is that a pleasant surprise for its price. It may have a little green tint, but with a correction of nothing in Premiere I have solved it, between 5 and 10 points in the tint tab towards magenta and that's it. Highly recommended, it only needs to have a stop like the ND2 and ND32 models that are the ones I usually use.