Накладной штатив для цифровой зеркальной фотокамеры, компактный алюминиевый портативный штатив для путешествий, 78 дюймов/2 м, монопод для видеоблога, нагрузка 22,05 фунта/10 кг, K234A7+BH-28L (старая модель S210)

Модель: KF09.087

  • 9548
Общая оценка 4.8   128
Love it
My Daughter got this for my Christmas present and l love it. First let me say i'm not a pro photographer, but for me this has been so much better than my old tripod. It is sterdyer and setting up the camera is so much easier than the fixed head l used to use, the ball head has made composing a shot so much more straightforward and putting the camera onto the typod is a sinch, its quick and less fiddly. It extends to a decent height, without the centre column used so no risk of camera shake, but if you did need it, for me it's a tiptoe shot. It is nice and light to carry and a lot of the time l keep my camera attached to it as l walk around. It's a very good price especially when compared to a pro tripod. To end this review its given me sharper photos and i'm now going to get my wife one for valentines.