58мм Переменная нейтральной плотности ND8-ND2000 ND фильтр для объективов с Multi-покрытием, водонепроницаемый
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3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
- * • ND8-ND2000: Сделано с премией Японии оптика стеклом, Поворотное кольцо между ND8-2000, скорректированным от 3 до 11 остановок, уменьшает количество света , не оказывая влияния на цветовой баланс.
- * • Multi-Resistant зеленый Покрытие: 18 слой зеленого покрытия , чтобы помочь отталкивать воду и пыль, уменьшая количество света , которое попадает сенсор камеры, что дает вам возможность экспериментировать различные творческие возможности.
- * • Ультра-Slim: Рама фильтра только 7.5mm, и супер - легкий CNC кольцо используется в строительстве предотвращает вредное воздействие.
- * • ND Filters: Позволяет медленные скорости затвора , которые будут использоваться для записи движения по таким предметам, как водопады, обеспечивая гладкий и шелковистый влияют на текущую воду.
- * • Примечание: Этот набор фильтров совместим со всеми 58мм линзами. Пожалуйста, проверьте размер линзы нить вашей камеры перед заказом. размер линзы нить вашей камеры будет отмечаться где-то на корпусе объектива или печататься под вашей крышкой объектива. Это число всегда предшествует «O» символ (диаметр).
2140 руб
&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
вместе с этим часто покупают
Переменная ND8-ND2000
Уменьшает количество света, попадающего на объектив, уменьшая скорость затвора камеры. Полезно в ситуациях, когда необходимо создать размытие при движении (реки, водопады, движущиеся люди) или большие диафрагмы должны использоваться со вспышкой, чтобы избежать переэкспонирования.
Без ND фильтра
Использовать контраст
С фильтром ND
Без ND фильтра
С фильтром ND
Позволяет использовать медленные скорости затвора для записи движения объектов, таких как водопады, обеспечивая плавное плавное воздействие на текущую воду.
Без ND фильтра
С фильтром ND
Переменная 9 остановок
9 вариантов уменьшения освещенности и рабочий диапазон широкоугольного объектива
Изысканный узор рамы
Рамка трапецеидальной формы с ЧПУ
Покрыт с обеих сторон
Уменьшение рассеяния света
Нанометровое покрытие
Водонепроницаемый, маслостойкий, устойчивый к царапинам
Изысканная Коробка
предотвращает повреждение при транспортировке
NDnumber | Оптическая плотность | уменьшение диафрагмы | Дробный коэффициент пропускания | |
0 | 0 | 100% | ||
ND2 | 0,3 | 1 | 50% | |
ND4 | 0.6 | 2 | 25% | |
ND8 | 0.9 | 3 | 12.50% | |
ND16 | 1.2 | 4 | 6.25% | |
ND32 | 1.50 | 5 | 3.13% | |
ND64 | 1.8 | 6 | 1.56% | |
ND100 | 2 | 62⁄3 | 1% | |
ND128 | 2.1 | 7 | 0.78% | |
ND256 | 2.4 | 8 | 0.39% | |
ND400 | 2.6 | 82⁄3 | 0.25% | |
ND512 | 2.7 | 9 | 0.20% | |
ND1024/ND1000 | 3 | 10 | 0.10% | |
ND2000 | 3.3 | 11 | 0.05% | |
ND4000 | 3.6 | 12 | 0.025% | |
ND8000 | 3.9 | 13 | 0.0125% | |
ND32000 | 4.5 | 15 | 0.003% |
Rating | 5 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 4 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 3 reviews. |
Price | 2140 руб | 1694 руб | 1894 руб | 1955 руб | 2140 руб | 1894 руб | 2140 руб | 2140 руб |
Model | KF01.1269 | KF01.1262 | KF01.1263 | KF01.1264 | KF01.1265 | KF01.1266 | KF01.1267 | KF01.1268 |
Отзывы (5)
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Its great quality dynamic range all in one ND filter, perfect fit on Nikon D750. It adds great value in Natural Photography by adding dramatic effects through controlling light intensity from low to higher or higher to low range with just one filter being installed on the lens.
I bought this and the Kodak 52mm ND filter for my Moondog Labs Anamorphic Lens and shot on my iPhone 12 Pro Max. I thought I could save $14 by settling for the cheaper Kodak ND filter but the image quality couldn't compete with the K&F one. Compared to the K&F filter, the Kodak has a greener cast, washes out colors, isn't uniform, and X-patterns A LOT earlier than the K&F Concept so the Kodak is not true ND2000. I went out on a bright day and with the Kodak filter I couldn't even get the highlights to be saved before a severe X-pattern started showing up. Locked shutter to 1/48 and ISO to as low as possible. The K&F filter also X-patterns a lot nicer too. When the K&F starts showing the X-pattern, it actually looks like a nice vignetting because it's so smooth. The Kodak filter looks too harsh like a hard X. No edge feathering (I don't know if that makes sense). I don't know how to explain it but you can buy both and see for yourself. The X is really wide and smooth on the K&F and it's even hard to tell it's X-patterning when you start reaching it's limit. Another thing I noticed is that the Kodak filter doesn't darken the entire frame. The left and right edges are brighter than the center whereas the K&F is uniform. I really wanted to like the Kodak as it comes in better packaging, but the filter just doesn't perform well. I LOVE the aluminum packing Kodak used for their filter, but the K&F Concept ND filter is the CLEAR WINNER.
I'm a Professional and I've had 100's of lens filters over the span of a 30 year career. K&F ND Filter is as good as my highend, high priced glass at a very affordable price. As many are buying cameras that shoot both stills and video and you're looking for an ND but aren't sure what to buy... you will be very happy with K&F ND Filters.
I strongly Recommend this Product
I strongly Recommend this Product
I've used it once and I paired it with a 10 stop ND filter with this and I was able to set my camera set at 30 seconds, f11 and ISO 50 in the middle of the day but with the 10 stop I could only get it to 10 seconds, f11, ISO 50. I was surprised to see that when I got home to edit the photos there was no noticeable loss in sharpness with both ND filters on and this being a variable ND filter they're notoriously known to be less sharp than a constant ND filter. I can't wait to test this out on a waterfall but being that it's summer in San Diego right now I'll have to wait to try it out but along the coast I prefer the 10 stop ND filter and being able to drag that shutter longer. The front of this variable ND filter is quite large so your lens hood won't fit on there which can be an issue with unwanted lens flares but the K&F 10 stop ND filter I used with this you're able to mount the lens hood still. I received this filter free of charge to test it out so take my review with a grain of salt but if you do choose to get this I highly recommend getting a 10 stop as well because you'll be limited to 2-3 second shutter speeds with this alone at it's darkest setting in the middle of the day where the sun is bright like it is here in Southern California. I forgot to mention that there are notches on the side and tells you the minimum - maximum darkness and each stop between so there isn't any guess work involved but I do like the fact that I was able to set my settings I wanted and just rotated the front element until my camera read that I was properly exposed.
Great Filter
Does what its supposed to do. Great filter
These images belong to K&F Concept end users.
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