72 мм ND2-ND32 переменная нейтральная плотность ND фильтр с нано покрытием
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3973 руб
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3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
- * Сделано в оптических очках, уменьшает поглощение света, не влияя на общий цветовой баланс.
- * Технология нанопокрытия, водонепроницаемое, устойчивое к царапинам, антибликовое зеленое покрытие, эффективно защищает от масла, отпечатков пальцев, царапин, защищает ценный объектив.
- * НЕТ крестика на изображениях.
- * Сверхтонкий ободок, предотвращающий виньетирование под широким углом. Сверхпрочная авиационная алюминиевая рама обеспечивает долговечность и предотвращает заклинивание.
3973 руб
&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
вместе с этим часто покупают
Уменьшает количество света, попадающего на объектив, тем самым уменьшая выдержку камеры. Полезно в ситуациях, когда необходимо создать размытие при движении (реки, водопады, движущиеся люди) или большие диафрагмы должны использоваться со вспышкой, чтобы избежать переэкспонирования.
Уменьшает количество света, попадающего на объектив, тем самым уменьшая выдержку камеры. Полезно в ситуациях, когда необходимо создать размытие при движении (реки, водопады, движущиеся люди) или большие диафрагмы должны использоваться со вспышкой, чтобы избежать переэкспонирования.

Без фильтра ND
Использовать контраст
С фильтром ND

Без фильтра ND
С фильтром ND
Позволяет использовать медленные скорости затвора для записи движения объектов, таких как водопады, обеспечивая плавное плавное воздействие на текущую воду.

Без фильтра ND
С фильтром ND

Без фильтра ND
С фильтром ND


Нет фильтра

Многослойное нанометровое покрытие
Уменьшение отражения
Уменьшение отражения

Устойчив к царапинам

Нанометровое покрытие
Позволяет использовать медленные скорости затвора для записи движения объектов, таких как водопады, обеспечивая гладкое шелковистое воздействие на текущую воду.
Позволяет использовать медленные скорости затвора для записи движения объектов, таких как водопады, обеспечивая гладкое шелковистое воздействие на текущую воду.
NDnumber | Оптическая плотность | уменьшение диафрагмы | Дробный коэффициент пропускания | |
0 | 0 | 100% | 1 | |
ND2 | 0,3 | 1 | 50% | 0,5 |
ND4 | 0.6 | 2 | 25% | 0,25 |
ND8 | 0.9 | 3 | 12,50% | 0125 |
ND16 | 1.2 | 4 | 6,25% | 0,0625 |
ND32 | 1,50 | 5 | 3,13% | 0,03125 |
ND64 | 1,8 | 6 | 1,56% | 0.015625 |
ND100 | 2 | 6 2 ⁄ 3 | 1% | 0,01 |
ND128 | 2,1 | 7 | 0,78% | 0.0078125 |
ND256 | 2,4 | 8 | 0,39% | 0.00390625 |
ND400 | 2,6 | 8 2 ⁄ 3 | 0,25% | 0,0025 |
ND512 | 2,7 | 9 | 0,20% | 0,001953125 |
ND1024 / ND1000 | 3 | 10 | 0,10% | +0001 |
ND2048 | 3,3 | 11 | 0,05% | 0,000488281 |
ND4096 | 3,6 | 12 | 0,02% | 0,000244141 |
ND6310 | 3,8 | 12 2 ⁄ 3 | 0,02% | 0,000158489 |
ND8192 | 3,9 | 13 | 0,01% | 0.00012207 |
ND10000 | 4 | 13 1 ⁄ 3 | 0,01% | 0,0001 |
ND100000 | 5 | 16 2 ⁄ 3 | 0,00% | 0,00001 |
Rating | 8 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 29 reviews. | 5 reviews. |
Price | 3973 руб | 3726 руб | 3788 руб | 2525 руб |
Model | KF01.1062 | KF01.1060 | KF01.1061 | KF01.1162 |
Отзывы (8)
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This is a great option for outdoor shooting whether it be photo or video. You can easily just twist the filter to change the amount of light going into the lens and it's much easier than having to keep changing out different strength filters or using a 4x4" filter piece like a Cokin filter. There is no vignetting or "X" pattern that can show up in other models. This is very easy to use, even for the beginner and is a great thing to have when you want to travel lighter and plan on shooting outside.
I love this filter great for Photo & video.
But at 10mm on my 80D Crop sensor it casts a shadow above.
if I zoom in a bit like 14mm it goes away.
NO X, No Color cast. Great Filter... As Advertised. and Great Build...
But at 10mm on my 80D Crop sensor it casts a shadow above.
if I zoom in a bit like 14mm it goes away.
NO X, No Color cast. Great Filter... As Advertised. and Great Build...
Got into photography recently and always wanted to take exposure shots but was unable to do it without this filter after doing some research online. It screws on top of the lens protector and I can even mount my lens cap on top of it.
Like the fact that it is adjustable to whatever kind of photos I want to take depending on time of day and sun's position. I took a 2 second exposure shot of Niagara falls and it turned out well. I also added a still photo for comparison.
Will be doing more exposure shots I keep getting better every day after trial and error, must buy if you are into exposure photography you will not regret this purchase.
Like the fact that it is adjustable to whatever kind of photos I want to take depending on time of day and sun's position. I took a 2 second exposure shot of Niagara falls and it turned out well. I also added a still photo for comparison.
Will be doing more exposure shots I keep getting better every day after trial and error, must buy if you are into exposure photography you will not regret this purchase.
I shoot with the Fujifillm X-T3 which arguably is the best video camera under $3000. However it lacked the variable ND filters that you would find built in to more professional video camera. I needed some more motion blur and lower my exposure when shooting video and this does it amazingly without any noticeable loss of details and colors. For the price this is a very valuable tool in my arsenal. The build quality is really nice with an all metal construction. The ring itself is smooth and allows for a nice variable exposure change. I really dig this ND filter and I think anyone should take a look at this since the image it produces are pretty clean.
Holy smokes! This thing is a fraction of the price and way better than the SLR 82mm and the Singh-Ray 82mm variable Nd filter I purchased. Seriously did not think a $60 filter would beat out a $400 Singh-Ray. I’m using this on a Sony A7riii with a 24-70 2.8 G Master and there’s no color distortion. There is a very very very slight vignette in the first 2-3 mm of each corner but that’s far less than the Singh-Ray and SLR. Plus there’s no X.
I've been looking around for a variable ND filter that doesn't have that "X" pattern you see mentioned in a lot of the reviews. So far I haven't seen it with this filter. It feels well made, the ring turns smoothly, and so far the darkening seems uniform and even. Overall I'm very happy with it and will continue to take more pictures with it to see how it works.
I bought this for my 50mm canon lenses. It works wonderfully. Three reasons I would recommend the product.
1) Out of the box, it comes with a carrying case which is really well made and protective.
2)The quality of the product itself is well made. It feels sturdy and can last a long time.
3)Quality of images I take are really great! There is no dark corners when I take pictures and it is on on 8.0.
1) Out of the box, it comes with a carrying case which is really well made and protective.
2)The quality of the product itself is well made. It feels sturdy and can last a long time.
3)Quality of images I take are really great! There is no dark corners when I take pictures and it is on on 8.0.
Good quality Variable ND Filter
This is a very decent quality variable ND filter. Proved to be invaluable tool for video making. Good fit to a Fuji-X 72mm lens... Also very good performance when attached to a super wide angle lens. Come within a thick plastic case that can be used for future storage.I assume that one has to invest a lot more for a vari-ND filter with tellingly better visual behaviour.
These images belong to K&F Concept end users.
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