От объектива Minolta MD MC к адаптеру для крепления камеры Fuji X
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1894 руб
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&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
- * Разрешите использовать оправы Minolta MD MC для крепления на корпусе камеры Fujifilm X.
- * Совместимость с камерой Fujifilm включает в себя: Fuji X-A1, X-A2, X-A3, X-E1, X-E2, X-E3, X-M1, X-Pro1, X-Pro2, X-S1, X-T1 , X-T10, X-T20, X-T2, X10, X20, X30, XF1, XQ1, XQ2 и т. Д.
- * Изготовлен из латуни и алюминия. Стабильная, точная и прочная конструкция. Ручное управление. Разрешается фокусировка на бесконечность.
- * Для тяжелых средних объективов мы предлагаем использовать телеобъектив и штатив, чтобы сбалансировать его вес при съемке.
- * 30 дней без причины возврата, 12 месяцев гарантии качества, 100% гарантия удовлетворения.
1894 руб
&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
вместе с этим часто покупают
K & F Concept разрабатывает и производит полный ассортимент адаптеров для объективов, подходящих для объективов Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus, Leica, Contax Yashica, Minolta, Tamron, T2, C mount, Exakta, M39, M42, Pentacon и т. Д., Используемых на корпусах камер Canon , Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, Pentax, Micro 4 3, Leica, M42, Cinema C mount и т. Д.
Отзывы (24)
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Really excellent adapter. Much nicer than the competition from a ...
Really excellent adapter. Much nicer than the competition from a couple other suppliers but it costs a bit more. Well worth it.
Good adapter
Works perfectly. Built well and for the right price.
The overall workmanship quality is really good. There is no wiggle both on the camera ...
The overall workmanship quality is really good. There is no wiggle both on the camera and lens side. I have to return it because it is a little bit tight at the camera side (compared to fujilens). Am worried about damaging the camera mount later due to repeated mounting/dismounting.
Five Stars
bonne qualité et recu dans le délai promis.
Tried 2 different mount adapters but this was the first ...
Tried 2 different mount adapters but this was the first that properly locked in the lens in the MC/MD side. Definitely worth buying
Great to have to enjoy those vintage lenses!
Works great.
The K&F Concept adapters are great. I never have any issues with them and ...
The K&F Concept adapters are great. I never have any issues with them and I have been buying them for years for my vintage lenses. They work perfectly with my Fujifilm X cameras. Highly recommended!!
Five Stars
Works perfectly
A great cheap alternative to XF lenses
Works perfectly and gives life to my old film SLR lenses!
Fits well to my 3 Nikor lenses
Does its job well, fits strongly to the lens. Tried it with a 85 f1.4, 50 f1.2, 28 f2. All fits well.Maybe too well, I thought I couldn't attached the lens but had to force a bit more than usual.
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