KF 58 мм, Nano-X, черный мягкий фильтр из оптического стекла 1/8 ультрапрозрачный, покрытый водонепроницаемой, устойчивой к царапинам и антибликовой зеленой пленкой
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&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
- * Черный мягкий фильтр 1.1 / 8 может смягчить морщины, пятна, поры и т. Д. На человеческой коже, что позволяет лучше реализовать более нежные, пухлые, красивые и туманные эффекты кино. Чтобы обеспечить качество изображения сверхвысокой четкости, используется процесс шлифования с двойным метанием, чтобы обеспечить возможность достижения высокой четкости в пределах фокусного расстояния 550 мм;
- * 2. Верхнее оптическое стекло, передняя и задняя часть линзы имеют двустороннее многослойное антиотражающее покрытие, которое может эффективно уменьшить отражение от поверхности фильтра и избежать таких проблем, как двоение изображения. Стандартная скорость передачи 1/8 черного мягкого составляет 87%.
- * 3. После оптической полировки на поверхность наносится высокотехнологичная пленка. «Защита от плесени», «Водостойкость», «Защита от царапин» и «Защита от жира». Имея характеристики сильного царапания, это никак не повлияет на качество изображения. Даже если он загрязнен каплями воды или маслом, его легко удалить.
- * 4. Прецизионная шлифовка и двусторонняя полировка исходного материала оптического стекла обеспечивают стабильность молекулярной структуры и не влияют на резкость телеобъектива, обеспечивая изображение высокой четкости;
- * 5. Поверхность рамы зеркала имеет трапециевидный рисунок с ЧПУ, чтобы потребители увеличивали трение на большой площади при вращении, а также устанавливали / снимали линзы и другие аксессуары в любое время и в любом месте;
3911 руб
&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
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Super happy that I found this and saved money since I was originally going to buy the tiffen filter. It’s worked well for me and I’m super happy with the results it provides!
I really wasn't sure of what to expect from this filter. I mean, I know what it should have done technically but I have been fooled before with poor quality results and not knowing this brand I was prepared to be let down but I certainly have not been. This filter provides a beautifully softening effect that does not so much outright blur but rather seems to maintain a decent focus while creating a very soft hint of haze. It is very delicate and is a really nice tool to have in a portrait photographer's arsenal. It also has a nice effect on candle and sharp points of lights, creating a softened hue or aura around the light source. It looks a little "dreamy", if that helps to paint the picture.
I used this filter with my primary Nikon portrait lens and I intend to continue shooting with it to learn more about it but to this point, it has been a rather exciting discovery.
I will say that, although secure enough, I do find that this filter does not fit my lense threads as precisely as I am more accustom to. Something seems off but they are not binding, so I will leave well enough alone.
I am very impressed with this filter and think it fairly priced.
Definitely recommended.
I used this filter with my primary Nikon portrait lens and I intend to continue shooting with it to learn more about it but to this point, it has been a rather exciting discovery.
I will say that, although secure enough, I do find that this filter does not fit my lense threads as precisely as I am more accustom to. Something seems off but they are not binding, so I will leave well enough alone.
I am very impressed with this filter and think it fairly priced.
Definitely recommended.
This filter is not one that I used to regularly carry in my bag, as I assumed it functioned primarily as a mix between an ND filter and a soft filter. But, given the chance to use it for a few days, I realized I was wrong! The 1/4 black diffusion filter (there's also a stronger 1/2 filter) is mostly used for its softening effect on faces, where it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes. In that role, it works, although perhaps a bit too much for some photos. I shoot outside landscapes and architectural shots more than portraits, where the filter reduces glare and reflections. It's also good for throwing backgrounds out of focus more than the camera itself manages. The effect, at first glance, are subtle but they are visible in a side-by-side comparison. Mostly, there's a "glow" effect to shots that is quite appealing. The quality of the filter is high, and I use it now almost as a default on my primary 85mm and 105mm lenses. Nice filter.
The "K&F Concept 62mm Black Diffusion Filter 1/4 Black Mist Soft Glow Diffuser Lens Filters" is fine, but I found with my Nikon lens that it won't screw in tightly (like the threads are a different depth or something). The filter itself was a bit dusty when it arrived, or so I thought. It gives a nice effect on portraits if you don't mind a softer focus effect.
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