46мм Переменная нейтральной плотности ND8-ND2000 ND фильтр для объективов с Multi-покрытием, водонепроницаемый
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3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
- * • ND8-ND2000: Сделано с премией Японии оптика стеклом, Поворотное кольцо между ND8-2000, скорректированным от 3 до 11 остановок, уменьшает количество света , не оказывая влияния на цветовой баланс.
- * • Multi-Resistant зеленый Покрытие: 18 слой зеленого покрытия , чтобы помочь отталкивать воду и пыль, уменьшая количество света , которое попадает сенсор камеры, что дает вам возможность экспериментировать различные творческие возможности.
- * • Ультра-Slim: Рама фильтра только 7.5mm, и супер - легкий CNC кольцо используется в строительстве предотвращает вредное воздействие.
- * • ND Filters: Позволяет медленные скорости затвора , которые будут использоваться для записи движения по таким предметам, как водопады, обеспечивая гладкий и шелковистый влияют на текущую воду.
- * • Примечание: Этот набор фильтров совместим со всеми 46мм линзами. Пожалуйста, проверьте размер линзы нить вашей камеры перед заказом. размер линзы нить вашей камеры будет отмечаться где-то на корпусе объектива или печататься под вашей крышкой объектива. Это число всегда предшествует «O» символ (диаметр).
2140 руб
&БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка в Россию
3+ товара со скидкой 10%!
вместе с этим часто покупают
Переменная ND8-ND2000
Уменьшает количество света, попадающего на объектив, уменьшая скорость затвора камеры. Полезно в ситуациях, когда необходимо создать размытие при движении (реки, водопады, движущиеся люди) или большие диафрагмы должны использоваться со вспышкой, чтобы избежать переэкспонирования.

Без ND фильтра
Использовать контраст
С фильтром ND

Без ND фильтра
С фильтром ND
Позволяет использовать медленные скорости затвора для записи движения объектов, таких как водопады, обеспечивая плавное плавное воздействие на текущую воду.


Без ND фильтра

С фильтром ND

Переменная 9 остановок
9 вариантов уменьшения освещенности и рабочий диапазон широкоугольного объектива

Изысканный узор рамы
Рамка трапецеидальной формы с ЧПУ

Покрыт с обеих сторон
Уменьшение рассеяния света

Нанометровое покрытие
Водонепроницаемый, маслостойкий, устойчивый к царапинам

Изысканная Коробка
предотвращает повреждение при транспортировке
NDnumber | Оптическая плотность | уменьшение диафрагмы | Дробный коэффициент пропускания | |
0 | 0 | 100% | ||
ND2 | 0,3 | 1 | 50% | |
ND4 | 0.6 | 2 | 25% | |
ND8 | 0.9 | 3 | 12.50% | |
ND16 | 1.2 | 4 | 6.25% | |
ND32 | 1.50 | 5 | 3.13% | |
ND64 | 1.8 | 6 | 1.56% | |
ND100 | 2 | 62⁄3 | 1% | |
ND128 | 2.1 | 7 | 0.78% | |
ND256 | 2.4 | 8 | 0.39% | |
ND400 | 2.6 | 82⁄3 | 0.25% | |
ND512 | 2.7 | 9 | 0.20% | |
ND1024/ND1000 | 3 | 10 | 0.10% | |
ND2000 | 3.3 | 11 | 0.05% | |
ND4000 | 3.6 | 12 | 0.025% | |
ND8000 | 3.9 | 13 | 0.0125% | |
ND32000 | 4.5 | 15 | 0.003% |
Rating | 4 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 0 reviews. | 3 reviews. | 5 reviews. |
Price | 2140 руб | 1694 руб | 1894 руб | 1955 руб | 1894 руб | 2140 руб | 2140 руб | 2140 руб |
Model | KF01.1265 | KF01.1262 | KF01.1263 | KF01.1264 | KF01.1266 | KF01.1267 | KF01.1268 | KF01.1269 |
Отзывы (4)
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I have long used a variable filter from the Hoya brand that I use to sweep at low shutter speeds with the telephoto lens, but this filter, although good, is also expensive and has a much larger diameter than I need for my fixed lenses. and zoom. I've been using it with thread adapters for a long time, but it's a bummer and I've opted to look for a new 62mm filter that is compatible with most of my lenses.
My first option was to buy another one like the one I had, but I saw this K&F Concept at half price, I have been encouraged to try it and the truth is that I liked it a lot. Aesthetically, it has such a good quality, the matte paint of the rings is prone to scratches, but when it comes to the optical part I have no problem.
The filter is slim, apparently it seems bigger than what it is, but it is because of its finishes, compared to Hoya's it is just as fine. As you put it in front of the lens to the minimum, it already goes down 3 steps of light (ND8) and as we turn the ring it is able to go down up to 9 steps (to ND2000) before the famous X appears that all variable ND filters have . The good thing is that the X does not appear in the whole route and that I have not noticed tints produced by the crystals.
In short, a product at a much more moderate price than the veteran brands, which offers a fairly good image quality although aesthetically it has a less careful appearance.
My first option was to buy another one like the one I had, but I saw this K&F Concept at half price, I have been encouraged to try it and the truth is that I liked it a lot. Aesthetically, it has such a good quality, the matte paint of the rings is prone to scratches, but when it comes to the optical part I have no problem.
The filter is slim, apparently it seems bigger than what it is, but it is because of its finishes, compared to Hoya's it is just as fine. As you put it in front of the lens to the minimum, it already goes down 3 steps of light (ND8) and as we turn the ring it is able to go down up to 9 steps (to ND2000) before the famous X appears that all variable ND filters have . The good thing is that the X does not appear in the whole route and that I have not noticed tints produced by the crystals.
In short, a product at a much more moderate price than the veteran brands, which offers a fairly good image quality although aesthetically it has a less careful appearance.
The ND filter is really good for the price, mine is 77mm and fits without any issue, the markings on the side are good to avoid X while taking pictures or videos. It doesn't stop like the other version but I didn't have problems with keeping it on the respective stop. The filter comes with a plastic case with foam for better protection while not in use. There's a slight tint on the images and videos which is easily fixed in post-production, which considering the price is a good value for me.
Its a perfect nd filter for the price
the only thing what i dont ike it doesnt have hard stops but not a big problem
the built quality is amazing
the image is still clear even with the filter and yes there is an x at max but i think is acceptable . . .
just dont use it at max and its fine
i mean the x appears where u have the black dots and at max its clear
so overall i think this is a really good nd filter!!!
the only thing what i dont ike it doesnt have hard stops but not a big problem
the built quality is amazing
the image is still clear even with the filter and yes there is an x at max but i think is acceptable . . .
just dont use it at max and its fine
i mean the x appears where u have the black dots and at max its clear
so overall i think this is a really good nd filter!!!
Excellent ND filter. Looks very good, great at touching, easy to transport it. Image quality, very very good, ( as expected ) . Very good sharpening, very good colours. Surely recommend it.
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